we spent our first sunday here at the theme park with our new Chinese friends. (:
the bus ride to the place took around 30 minutes.
here in wuhan, they don't use any cards like ez-link to pay their bus fare.
all they have to do is to put the money for the bus fare at a machine beside the driver.
the interesting thing is that the machine accepts notes.
just put the notes at the machine, and it will sort of "suck" in the notes.
i think this is really a good way of paying the bus fare;
whereby the value of the bus fare may be high e.g 3 yuan.
this is because at times, we just don't have enough coins to pay for it.
but unlike Singapore, the bus fares are usually $1 plus or lesser.
moreover, we don't have any $1 notes.
therefore, it all depends on how convenient it is for commuters to pay their bus fares.
well, all we can do is just to adapt to the system here. (:

when we arrived at the place, we had to wait for the LSCT students as well.
with nothing much to do, most of us just went around taking photos to entertain ourselves.
and that is us with Journey again. (:
see the bull behind us?
thats actually the mascot for 7-up here.
i'm not too sure what is the link between a bull and 7-up though.
maybe the message that they are trying to convey is that if you were to drink 7-up,
you will be as strong as a bull.
thats just my guess. hahaha.

there were so many swans at the lake. not real ones, of course. haha.
it is one of the more relaxing rides at the theme park.

some of us actually wanted to play this whereby you just roll inside the inflator.
but we decided not to because we seemed too big for it.
and mostly, those who played were small children.
well, there were more exciting rides than those.
and when theme park is mentioned,
you will think that it will be something similar to Escape Theme Park.
but not this theme park here.
there isn't any entry fee at all.
the concept is like "Pay as you play".
most of the rides cost around 10 to 15 yuan.
and the theme park is very open.
something like rides that you would see whenever there is a Pasar Malam.

this was the first that caught our attention.
i didnt went for the rollercoaster ride though.
honestly, i am quite scared.
my heart isn't strong enough to withstand the thrill from these types of ride.

this is another ride which i have never seen before.
it looks pretty scary because it will turn and move up and down at the same time.

the only ride that i took. hahaha.
it wasn't so scary at all. (:
on our way back, there were some self-portrait drawings at the theme park.
look at the drawings below..

ready to see the real person?

i think the drawing and the real person looks quite similar, don't they?
before that, there was actually an argument between another artiste and the customer.
it was because the drawing didn't look like the real person at all.
well, i really have to agree on that because i did saw the drawing.
in the end, the artiste just tore off the paper since the customer was very reluctant to pay for it.
it shows how quality really matters to people. (:
after the theme park, we went to have dinner.
it was really hard to find the type of stalls that we usually eat.
however, our Chinese friends were very nice to help us look for it.
we told them it was okay but they still went searching. (:
it was heartwarming to see how hospitable they are towards us.
they are willing to go that extra mile.
words can't really describe how much i appreciate their help.
well, that is definitely something that we must learn;
giving someone a help doesn't take much of an effort.
all it takes is sincerity and willingness. (:
an enjoyable day. (: