Mr Wong's BPE lecture was only 2 hours today. (:
but subsequently, it will be around 5 hours per day. hahaha.
all the best to us though. (:
i felt that it was kind of hard to concentrate during the lecture.
maybe it is due to the coldness of the surroundings.
in NP it was cold because of the aircon, here it was cold because of the atmosphere.
a totally new studying environment.
hopefully i can adapt to it fast so that i won't get brain blocked during the quizzes and tests.
since we had alot of time after class, we decided to walk around the area and do some exploration.
there were so many never-seen-before food that i wanted to try and taste but of course, i couldn't.
must resist the temptation of trying them.
and so we kept walking and walking until we figured out that it was time to look for a proper food stall to eat our lunch when our stomach started growling.

we managed to find a muslim food stall to have our lunch. (:
again, i ordered the egg noodles because i really love the way the egg was prepared.
basically, they sell almost the same type of food as the previous stall which we went initially.
only that this stall has a little bit more variety in which they sell mutton noodles too.
and after lunch, we also found another muslim food stall which was the same as well.
so most probably, we'll be eating from the three stalls for the rest of our stay here. (:
i guess the stall owners were very amazed by nadiyah because of the headscarf that she wore.
maybe they have never seen a female wearing the headscarf before as they kept looking at her.
they were really fascinated by it and it was definitely something new for them. (:

well, here was something interesting we saw today.
it was actually a small construction site for building of houses
from the photo, you can see that all they use is just poles to hold and maintain the width and the height of the building.
there weren't any high tech things that they used.
it was simply manual work all the way.
slow and steady? (:

this is how the shophouses look like.
it is exactly the same like the ones i used to see in television.
only that this is more real.
we'll be having an excursion tomorrow.
im excited!