This morning, I just realised how dry my skin is due to the cold weather and lack of initiative to put moisturizer. It looks quite old and wrinkled. Hahaha.
I notice that in China, most woman has swollen and wrinkled fingers. Xinhui, Nadiyah and I concluded that it is because they do alot of rough work and maybe because they also don't put moisturizer during winter/cold weather. But they like to do knitting despite how rough their hands are! Everytime I walk past the janitor's office in the hostel, she would always be knitting while watching television. Not forgetting to smile at us too. While walking down the street, I would also see many of those knitting shops and the lady boss would sit outside the shop and knit. (:
I think in Singapore, not many people are interested in these type of things unless it is their hobby. Usually, these are hobbies of the older generation and the skills that they have are usually not passed down. Maybe the reason is this..

It looks kind of old-fashioned to the younger generation.
Hehehe. =P
OR we simply do not have the time to do all these due to the career-minded concept that we are experiencing as the standard of living in Singapore is rather high as compared to China.
This reflects one of the NE messages:
We have confidence in our future.
United, determined and well-prepared, we have what it takes to build a bright future for ourselves, and to progress together as one nation.
In order to boost Singapore's tourism industry, the government has planned to build the Integrated Resorts (IR) which are expected to create 35 000 jobs directly and indirectly. Through this, the imaginings of a global city becomes a reality. Singapore will not just be a small red dot on the world map. It may be small in size as compared to other countries like China and even the standard of living is quite high, but we are progressing together as one nation for our future. (:
Maybe thats the reason why we are having the Overseas Immersion Programme; to be well-prepared in building a bright future by collaborating with other countries. (:

As I was lying on my bed today, I realised that our room is quite messy. I wonder how the Chinese students are able to keep their room in tip top condition as they actually stay here for a few years because of studies. Maybe like I said, we are just too pampered in Singapore. Hahaha.

The interesting thing in the food shop that we always go to is the ladder. Hahaha. I just knew how they actually climbed to the second level where most of the raw food are kept. If you can see clearly, there is a hook placed just outisde the entrance. In order to stabilize the ladder when climbing, the top step of the ladder is hooked onto it and leaned against the wall. It is that simple. (:
Flexsim test was managable. (:
yet another simple day. (: